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    The holy month of Ramadan comes to a conclusion with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. It is also a time when believers express appreciation to Allah for granting them the chance and the strength to carry out His directives during the holy month of Ramadan. This is another important aspect of the holiday. In virtually every Muslim nation, the holiday of Eid al-Fitr is customarily celebrated over the course of three days. The Islamic Prophet Muhammad, who is also known as the founder of Islam, was the one who first instituted the holiday of Eid. When the Prophet arrived in Madinah, he saw that the people there were celebrating two different holidays. They commemorated the occasion by participating in activities that provided them with amusement and enjoyment. In the religion of Islam, the holiday of Eid al-Fitr is a religious obligation that must be observed and carried out. The festival of Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by a significant number of Muslims all around the world. They never fail to make certain that the lessons are communicated to each and every generation. Every year, Muslims also commemorate Eid al-Adha, which is known as the Festival of Sacrifice and Calls for Faith in the Teachings of Allah. The festival of Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the 29 or 30 days of fasting that Muslims observe. It occurs exactly on the first day of Shawwal, which is the Islamic month. At the beginning of Eid, people perform special prayers in accordance with Islamic tradition. The act of praying in Islam is broken up into two halves called rakats, which are performed in an open field or a huge auditorium. The holiday of Eid al-Fitr is observed for the purpose of commemorating the spiritual advancements that have been made throughout the month of Ramadan. These advancements can be summarized as an enhanced commitment to God, increased self-discipline, and increased acts of generosity towards the less fortunate. In the course of the celebration, Muslims spread the message to people who are in need of assistance. One of the major tenets of Islam is the practice of sharing. Additionally, it is a day that is celebrated as a public holiday in several nations and in the Muslim world. The preparation of Eid food and other traditional delights is an integral part of the holiday celebration. The meals are not only split among those present but also donations are made to those who are less fortunate. It is also a season for making donations to charitable organizations. We wish the Muslim Community across the world a blessed celebration Eid’l Fitr Al-Mubarak! Taqaballahu minna wa minkum

  • QCLFI celebrates Women's Month thru film screening at QCU Auditorium

    "Ang Quezon City ay City of Stars...It's also the City of Inclusivity" - President Dr. Theresita V. Atienza Mar. 16 - The Quezon City University’s auditorium was filled with warmth and joy as women from the Quezon City Ladies Foundation Inc. gathered to attend the film showing titled “She Said” which was suggested by Mayor Joy Belmonte from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. After the film showing, the Quezon City University's President, Dr. Theresita V. Atienza gave a message. She said that we are quite fortunate that the Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte sincerely supports education by giving her 101% support when the university received institutional recognition. She also added that the university is always open for the Quezon City Ladies Foundation Inc.'s events. Also, the President of the Quezon City Ladies Foundation Inc. (QCFLI), Joy Marie W. Sotto gave a speech and wished everyone a joyful and blessed women's month. "Women across the world still face problems and challenges in how to effectively fight for their rights," Sotto said. She added that she firmly believes that our goal in coming together is to maintain our commitment to establishing a resilient, safe, and inclusive society for women of all ages, races, and nationalities. She wishes that we will never cease seeking for interventions that can strengthen and uplift one another. Atty. Maria Joy Karen G. Adraneda-Filio discussed the topic of accessibility to help and justice. The discussion emphasizes that dignity is inherent to every person and is not a choice, as stated in the opening of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Also, Atty. Adraneda-Filio introduced the Me Too Movement, established by Tarana Burke in 2006, which aims to encourage women alongside with the marginalized sector to speak up and report their experiences of sexual violence and abuse. The event was concluded by Carmencita V. Medalla, the Executive Vice President of QCLFI, presentation of certificates of appreciation to the speakers, and followed by the distribution of tokens and snacks. Additional Text Eidelweiss Pelayo Photo by Christian Dave Daniel

  • Nationalism in midst of Uncertainty

    Sounds of the enormous count of combat shoes, shaky hands, pale faces, and weakening feet filled the whole city. Darkness occupied the air as it became quiet with terrified eyes seen peeking in each houses that they passed. In delible scars are still painted under stones where bones are still bleeding. Silent tears in their hearts make the loudest noise. Patriotism prevails despite hands being chained. Fighting until the last bone falls. Every 9th of April, the Philippines commemorates those first fallen heroes who fought against the Japanese invaders. Day of Valor (Araw ng Kagitingan) is the day when we remember the bravery and patriotism of Filipino soldiers, together with the American soldiers, led by the commander Major General Edward P King Jr., more than 76,000 starving and disease-ridden soldiers, both American and Filipino soldiers were surrendered under the Japanese troops. On April 9, 1942, captives were forced to endure a 140-kilometer walk from Bataan to Capas, Tarlac, where Camp O’Donnell was located. Thousands of soldiers died in the middle of the march due to famine, heat prostration, and untreated wounds. This march is now known as Bataan Death March because of the high count of brutal deaths along the road at the hands of Japanese troops. Historians believed that only 54,000 soldiers survived until the destination and were imprisoned in Camp O’Donnell in Tarlac. The soldier prisoners were forced to march for 6 days with only one meal of rice during the entire journey. On the 11th anniversary of the fall of Bataan, in 1953, Late President Elpidio Quirino signed Proclamation no. 381, s. 1953, declaring April 9, 1953, as a holiday, in commemoration of Bataan Day. In the said proclamation, he described the Fall of Bataan as a symbolization of “enduring ties of affection, friendship, and cooperation that bind the Philippines and the United States”. The commemoration for Late President Elpidio Quirino was a “fitting homage to the unparalleled heroism of Filipino and American forces who, despite overwhelming odds, fought side by side to the last in their stubborn defense of freedom and democracy”. The following year, Late President Ramon Magsaysay signed Proclamation no. 11, s. 1954, declaring April 9, 1954, as a special public holiday as it commemorates the 12th anniversary of the Fall of Bataan, he again signed another proclamation declaring Bataan Day as a special public holiday under Proclamation no.140, s. 1955. The proclamation encouraged Filipinos, as well as Americans residing in the country, to “a one-minute silence at 4:30 o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and to hold appropriate rites in honor of the heroic defenders of Bataan.”. In 1961, the House of Representatives passed a law declaring the 9th of April every year as “Bataan Day”, a legal holiday. Republic Act No. 3022 followed Late President Magsaysay’s proclamation to call for one-minute silence at 4:30 in the afternoon to hold “appropriate rites in honor of the heroic defenders of Bataan and their parents, wives, and/or widows.”. After 26 years, the Late President Corazon Aquino, the name of the said holiday was revised and renamed to “Araw ng Kagitingan (Bataan and Corregidor Day)” under Executive Order No. 203 s. 1987. April 9th was then changed from being a legal holiday to simply a regular holiday. In 2007, Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo amended Republic Act No. 9492, s. 2007, in the creation of moveable holidays, a policy known as Holiday Economics, declared Araw ng Kagitingan (Bataan and Corregidor Day) to be commemorated either on April 9 or the nearest Monday. The administration of Late President Benigno S. Aquino III returned the commemoration of the Fall of Bataan every 9th of April in each year. This year, as we commemorate the 81st anniversary of Bataan Day, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., declared Proclamation no. 90, s. 2022. He stated, "There is a need to adjust these holidays pursuant to the principle of holiday economics wherein a longer weekend will help encourage domestic travel and increase tourism expenditures in the country.". Malacañang released a new list of regular and special non-working holidays last November 16, 2022, adjusting some dates, following the holiday economics that was previously implemented by Former President Arroyo. Marcos declared Araw ng Kagitingan to be commemorated on April 10, the nearest Monday, considering that the 9th of April falls on Sunday. The Day of Valor was a national observance of silence in order to pay commemoration to the victims of the Bataan Death March, as well as to their families. It was one of the darkest days for these people as well as for the country they defended against the Japanese troops during World War II. Bataan Day is also remembered in the United States. On April 8, 1954, US Congress passed a joint resolution, declaring April 9, 1954, the 12th anniversary of the fall of Bataan. On April 8, 1987, U.S. Late President Ronald Reagan, declared April 9. 1987 as “National Former POW (Prisoner of War) Recognition Day,” by the virtue of Senate Joint Resolution 47. President Joe Biden continued the tradition, declaring April 9th each year as a recognition day of POW. Maywood, Illinois, a small suburb in western Chicago, commemorates Bataan Day every second Sunday of September. In Honolulu, Hawaii, they annually commemorate the Sacrifices of the Fall of Bataan and Corregidor at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl, Honolulu, Hawaii every year. These troops fought until their last strength even if they are unsure if they’ll be able to get victory. They sacrificed their lives and their supposedly days with their families to defend the country against the invaders. Their last breaths must have been hard as they see the darkness in each eye of the people they are protecting. Their bravery in midst of uncertainty led our present to a free, democratic, and livable country. Their feet fell for us to be able to stand on our own. Their heartbeats stopped to make our hearts live. Their courage in the middle of darkness made the present colorful as it can be. Illustration by Jannah Quilao & Renz Matthew Ybamit

  • The Holiest of Weeks: An act of Selfless Love

    Illustration by Jholo Louise Baybayon Excitement can be seen in some students’ eyes as the holy week slowly arrives because it only means one thing, a short vacation and escape from school work. Some also see this as an opportunity to finish all their pending works while some already prepared their bags to go home and visit their loved ones or provinces. Holy week is also the time where lenten specials or movies about the life of Jesus Christ can be watched in different channels. Sometimes, we would rather watch on netflix or youtube than to open our tv because those movies were always played during this season repeatedly. But the best thing about this season for some people is that they can get some sleep and enjoy themselves. However, do we really know what holy week is? Is it only about the death of Jesus Christ or there is more to know other than that? The week begins on Palm Sunday, which commemorates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, where he was greeted by crowds waving palm branches. On this day, people go to church and attend mass to get their palm leaves blessed. This event is followed by Maundy Thursday, the remembrance of Last Supper, where Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples and instituted the sacrament of communion. Good Friday is perhaps the most solemn day of Holy Week, as it marks the day of Jesus' crucifixion. Many churches hold solemn services, with readings from the Gospels, hymns of lament, and the veneration of the cross. The despair this day brings is replaced by the joy of Easter Sunday. This is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, as it represents the triumph of life over death, love over hate, and hope over despair. Commonly, this day starts with an early mass and egg hunts. But Holy Week is more than just a series of religious observances. It is a time for believers to deepen their faith, to reflect on the meaning of the Gospel message, and to renew their commitment to following Jesus' example of love, compassion, and service. It is a time for us to remember that once in our life, there is someone who is willing to die just to save us. This week is also a good time to connect with our loved ones and spend time with them because after all, this season is also a season of love. A love of a Father to his children. As we do our own things this Holy Week, may we also be reminded to keep this week solemn and thank Him for his unending love and grace for everyone.

  • MOVE PH participates in Women's month at QCU

    March 21- The Quezon City University Gender and Development (GAD) Council, in collaboration with the GAD council from the Office of the City Mayor and Vice Mayor and Men Opposed To Violence Against Women Everywhere (MOVE) Philippines Incorporated has conducted a seminar at the auditorium of Quezon City University Main Campus. The event started with the Entrance of Colors leaded by the ROTC and attended by university's male faculty and students. Meanwhile, in behalf of the University President Dr. Theresita V. Atienza, Ms. Gracia Josue, head of QC U-GAD Council gave her welcoming remarks followed by Mr. Reynaldo DeGuia, Chairperson of MOVE Philippines further expounded what is Violence Against Women (VAW). Vice Mayor Gian Sotto, together with Mayor Joy Belmonte, Dr. Theresita Atienza, Mr. Rey De Guia and Mr. Joe Transfiguracion leaded the commitment ceremony. Afterwards, the Ho. Belmonte and Hon. Sotto gave their inspirational and motivational messages to the attendees. City Mayor, Hon. Joy Belmonte said that to have respect towards women and the way you treat them will follow, to fulfil your commitments wholeheartedly and to always have the mindset to live in a community with respect and equality. Additionally, Hon.Sotto said to always speak up for others and never be silent when it comes to violence. MOVE Philippines Incorporated was launched during women's month of last year and was leaded by Vice Mayor Gian Sotto in recognizing Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) and for further widespread of the advocacy.

  • Right Mindset: Navigate the Challenges of Midterm

    The midterm examination is a critical point in the academic journey of every student. It is a test that evaluates the knowledge and skills that have been acquired in the first half of the semester. Many students find it daunting to prepare effectively for midterm exams due to various reasons. One of the biggest struggles that students face during the midterm examination season is time management. Balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and personal life can be overwhelming, leaving little time for studying. Students may also struggle with procrastination, which can lead to cramming and lack of proper preparation. Another challenge that students face when preparing for midterm exams is understanding the course material. The course material may be complex, and students may struggle to grasp the concepts. In cases where students do not understand the material, it may be necessary to seek help from professors or classmates. However, finding the right resources and support can also be a challenge, and students may feel lost and frustrated. To overcome these struggles, students need to develop effective study habits and techniques. One way to manage time effectively is to create a study schedule that allocates enough time for studying, reviewing notes, and taking breaks. Yes, TAKE BREAKS!. It's also important to practice good self-care during the midterm exam season. Get enough sleep, eat healthy meals, and exercise regularly to keep your body and mind in top shape. Take breaks when necessary and engage in activities that help you relax. Midterm examinations can be a challenging experience for us students, but with the right mindset and study habits, we can overcome these struggles and succeed.

  • Babae, patuloy na lalo kang tumitibay!

    In the past, many civilizations and eras have treated women quite differently. Women were frequently viewed as the fathers' or husbands' property and were thus prohibited from owning property or taking office. In other instances, women were accorded additional freedoms and privileges since they were viewed as being on par with males. During Women's Month, it is customary to both celebrate and acknowledge the strides achieved toward gender equality. It's a chance to join together in support of the work that still needs to be done while also paying tribute to the many women who have worked for the equality of all people's rights and opportunities. In our culture, women are essential. They are essential to the prosperity of our families, companies, and communities. Women are uniquely suited to create an atmosphere that is loving and caring, to offer emotional support, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of our community. Women are crucial to the creation and upkeep of a solid social fabric as well as the fair and moral operation of our society. Women bring a variety of viewpoints to the table, which may aid in the development of original solutions to the issues that our society is now grappling with. Women should be commended for their bravery, resiliency, strength, and commitment to improving the world. They have defended their rights, protested wrongdoing, and spoken up for the rights of others. They overcame obstacles and served as an example for future generations of women. They have fought arduously to build a more equal society and have made us aware of the particular difficulties they confront. They deserve appreciation for what they've accomplished, how determined they are, and how eager they are to fight for what's right. Let's get together to help build a more equal future for everyone as we honor women's history month.


    Valentines. The day where we show our love through giving gifts and greetings to our loved ones. The time of the year where different forms of love were observed as well as envy for those who have their dates. The day where chocolate and flower sellers' profit increases. It was not new to us that originally, Valentine's day is celebrated to commemorate the death or burial of St. Valentine. Though this celebration pertains to two or three martyrs, any of them. Valentine's day was celebrated every February 15 and was called as "Lupercalia", a pagan fertility festival dedicated to the roman god of agriculture, Faunus. This festival ends with women putting their names in a jar and men choosing a name from it and become paired with that person for a year which often leads to marriage. Pope Gelasius was the one who officially declares that February 14 is the celebration of valentine's day. This special day has a beautiful history and legends just like its meaning. One of it is the first known official celebration of valentines was the establishment of La Cour Amoureuse or the High Court of Love. This court was established by King Charles VI in Paris, France way back February 14, 4000 and was run by women to deal with marriage contracts, divorces, domestic abuse or violence, and infidelity. One of the famous ways to send your love or celebrate valentines back then was to hire a valentine poet and dedicate a poem to your loved ones. No matter how or where we celebrate Valentines, it will always be a special day to most of us. With dates or no dates, we can make our Valentines day special in our own ways. Nonetheless, we have every day and tomorrows to show our love and affection to our family, friends, partner, as well as pets, and self.

  • Community leaders and QCU students get together for a workshop on leadership.

    Another leadership training was concluded last January 20, 2023, held at Time Hive Hotel with the theme of "Training Workshop on Leadership for Peace and Development." Nearly 150 QCU students from various student organizations took part in the said training together with 20 other community leaders. The university invited different speakers to impart knowledge and inspire student leaders. One of the speakers is the university president, Dr. Theresita Atienza, who discussed bridging leadership. It was then followed by DRD Ulysses Untalan, Mr. Tagumpay Fernandez, and Jason Castillo, a former NPA rebel from the Peace, Security, and Development. It was then followed by DRD Ulysses Untalan, Mr. Tagumpay Fernandez, and Jason Castillo, a former NPA rebel from the Peace, Security, and Development. They tackle the communist party's history and condition in the Philippines with the inspiring statement of the former rebel of the NPA from his experience in joining the group. Further, environmental discussions were introduced by the last speaker Ms. Kristine Lea Siy-Gaon, the Chief of the Climate Change and Environmental Education Division from the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Department. The students were later given free food for breakfast, lunch, and even snacks, together with a free shirt and student’s kit.

  • Ignition of Determination

    New mornings for new hopes. As another year is welcomed, another bunch of blessings, goals, resolutions, and hopes are expected by us to happen this year. It’s another year to fill our plates with delicious and nutritious meals. Another year to fill our wallets of papers and coins to be saved for the next needs and wants. Another year to fulfill the resolutions we failed to achieve last year. For other students, this year marks the beginning of yet another trip filled with hope that will show them the way out of the cave of hard work. On January 16, Quezon City University officially began the new semester by creating a fresh path for the students to follow in order to realize their goals. Now that a new semester is approaching, students are getting ready to share a classroom with brand-new acquaintances. For students, who are the only ones who can help them escape poverty, a new semester promised new hope. A new semester meant that the sun would rise once more, allowing us to see what problems lay ahead of us as we worked to overcome them and eventually beat the system. To advance to the next rung of the ladder, you'll need perseverance and persistence to get through this semester. It may be difficult and exhausting to go to school. Schools might entail yet another jug of blood, sweat, and tears. Most are trembling with fear that it might be another semester to fill buckets with tears and sweats, another semester of hardships, and another semester of sleeplessness. Most are terrified that they might fail the semester and repeat again and again. Most are anxious if they’ll make good accompaniment with the other faces they’ll meet for another semester. Most are sweating that a professor might be terror and hard to please with projects and works. This upcoming semester may bring about many unexpected events. It may take a lot of effort to see results, and some people may require another ignition to remove a significant obstacle. Some might advance while others might fall behind. No matter what happened, everyone gave it their all to push the big box all the way to the conclusion. Some might fail but that does not mean they’re a total failure. It might mean that they are still working to make a brighter and stronger light to see the right path. Failure might mean that their time has not come to their moments yet. New semesters might be the spark that lights our path to completion. This could be the cement that smooths out the bumpy path. This might be the oak that helps our boats reach the long river's finish. This can be the saw used to clear the way for tomorrow by removing the downed log. This may serve as the ladder we need to ascend the tree to the fruit we're after. If the fire of determination ignited stronger than the doubt, everything will be worth it, and all the tears will be paid off.

  • Quezon City University hosted QC Youth Summit

    The Quezon City University, in collaboration with the Department of Public Safety and Order and the Quezon City LGU, held its first Youth Leadership Summit from January 10–12, 2022 at the QCU Auditorium to prepare the student and youth leaders for this year. The summit's theme is "Task force capacitates urban communities for peace and order." Nearly 500 youths, including leaders of their school organizations, QCU students, and representatives from other barangays, attended the youth summit. This event aims to empower youth and help them to become more effective and good leaders. Day 1: Bridging Leadership: Ownership On the first day of the series, Mayor Joy Belmonte gave a message of inspiration and encouraged everyone to be a good leader to their communities and to empower the youth sector more. To formally start the program, Mayor Joy Belmonte gave a message for everyone to be a good leader of their community and to empower the youth sector more. University President Theresita V. Atienza is the speaker for day 1 with a topic of "Bridging Leadership: Ownership". She said that we are a leader because we are a follower. President Atienza explained the importance of owning a problem because it's important in creating a solution for the problem itself. She also defined the meaning of being a bridging leader. "We need to do more for those who need help", Dr. Atienza said. She also stated that a leader helps because it is necessary. Meanwhile, an activity was also conducted in the morning session which is the "Lifeline Journey". Some students were called in front to share their journey of leadership. The afternoon session revolves around the reports of different clusters. The reports were about the problems students were facing and its cause and effect. Day 2: Insurgency and Climate Change The 2nd day of the youth summit tackles insurgency and climate change by different guest speakers. Those two topics are crucial for the awareness of students who will become future leaders of the city or nation. Under the topic of insurgency, it covers the history of terrorism, how the idea of communism emerged, how it reached our country, and how it was implemented. It was discussed by Regional Director Dennis Godfrey Gammad of NICA-NCR. He said that joining the organizations made by communist parties can only ruin the future of students, and the only things that the youth can help build the nation is by studying well and working in their profession or fields. Ms. Elizabeth E. Anyaya, the Chief Counterintelligence Operations Branch, Counterintelligence Division of NICA-NCR tackles how the recruitment is done. She showed different clips of students who rally in the roads for their advocacies, videos of parents in the congress crying for their concern to their children who've been missing, and some images of students who got killed by trying to betray their organization and turning themselves around to the authorities. Following the presentation is an inspirational testimony from the former member of CPP-NPA-NDF that was shared during the session. He encouraged his fellow youth not to join those groups. In order to lift their lives, the youth should study well and pursue their passion. He also said to not be afraid of going to the government authorities, because they are open to help the youth, especially those who want to turn themselves in. Moreover, after the serious discussion about insurgence, the Quezon City for Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Department discussed the climate change in the Quezon City, the main causes of climate change by showing their inventory in greenhouse gas emissions, climate risk and impact assessment, the programs and projects for adaptation and mitigation, and the Enhanced Local Climate Change Plan for 2021 to 2050. After the discussion about climate change, they held an activity about getting the computation of the carbon footprint. It concluded by stating the simple ways as a student to help in adapting and preventing the climate change The participants also have an outdoor activity after the day 2 session before going home, which is the tree planting. They plant trees outside of the Bautista Building. This activity is a great way to have an application to the lecture about climate change. Day 3: Cybersecurity and Graduation Team leader Police Capt. Michael Bernardo from QCPD Anti-Cybercrime team was the speaker for the Day 3 morning session. The topic for the last day of the event was Cyber security and he introduced and explained what cybercrime is. He also showed the different types of cybercrime and how it will be avoided. The attendees showed their participation by asking questions to the speaker and volunteering to read the tips flashed on the screen. For the afternoon session, the last activity for the youth summit was given to the clusters. They were given a task to think of a solution for a problem and how it will be attained and its effect. The groups or clusters were praised by Pres. Atienza for their presentation and ideas. The event was finally concluded by a group photo on the QCU quadrangle while wearing the free shirt given to them. Another youth leadership training is done and well accomplished by Quezon City University. The youth summit can mold each student’s character to become future leaders of the city and help in building the nation.

  • Roller Coaster ride in the academe

    Everything revolves around learning. Walking, chatting, writing, reading, and other pursuits.  The firsts are always the most difficult. Learning could take place in a variety of settings. It might be in homes, schools, or streets. Every location has the potential to be a learning environment. It could be filled with endless whining, nearly giving up phases, and cluttered thoughts.  It feels like taking a ladder to reach the top of the unknown.  The top of it is unpredictable and may change depending on how we progress. We could take it carefully, or we could take it too quickly. Schools are one of the most well-known venues where we can study. We study English, Math, Science, and other subjects. Becoming a student is an exhilarating experience. It's stressful but also joyful. Weeping and laughing Whining and celebrating. Two opposing events are possible. That's how it works. Most students, particularly those in high schools and colleges, complain about sleepless and restless days as a result of loaded subjects and requirements. According to Marc Edward Calvez De Guzman, a Filipino graduate living in New Zealand, studying in the Philippines requires a significant amount of effort and time. According to his study on New Zealand studying in comparison with the Philippines, in colleges, there could be 8 to 9 subjects in a single semester in the Philippines, while in New Zealand, they are taking 8 subjects in a year. That’s how exhausting it could be. Some students experience burnouts and stress on how they could comply with the loads of requirements just to reach the top. At the end of the day, these stresses could be relieved by happiness when all is done. In some other diaries, there are some moments that tears could escape from tired eyes because of undefined frustrations. Some moments are blanked and unproductive but required to be the opposite. Reaching that medal could mean this. Forcing themselves to be productive because of hectic deadlines and exams. Crying could be the coping mechanism for some before proceeding. Crying does not make you weak. It could mean to release the frustrations building up inside and start to rise again. We can cry whenever we feel like it. The most important thing is we still stand and get that degree at the end of the session. It could be eased by the laughter when we met our friends at school again. There is always sunshine after the rains. Days and nights can be filled with whining because of unending tasks to do. Finishing one task and the list was added more. Exhausting and frustrating. Which should come first and be done? That could fill the mind. Oh, you can meet the clock’s hand to reach the end again. Eyes could be open wide for a day again. Complaining about how high it is stacked. Some are even considering the survivorship and declining the goal of being an honor. “Just get that toga”. How brave it could be. We are all aiming for the degree but to get there means to survive and experience the wounds. But at the end of the day, it could be a celebrating feeling when all had ended. The sigh of relief could be let out. Some students describe their life inside as barely surviving but carrying on fighting because there are friends that could cheer us up. Some said it's a restless day and night. It could even be related to one of the lines in Taylor Swift’s latest release Anti-Hero, the “Midnights become my afternoons”. Especially with distance learning, internet connection works faster at night than daylight. Some became a working owl just to survive the days of school. But if we are still working for it and finishing it with our best armor, it is the best part of it. Life is full of roller coaster feelings. Some days could be joyful, and some could be stressful. Some days could be full of laughter and some days could be full of tears. It’s unpredictable. It’s occurring. Mondays could be the most cursed day of the week. It’s the first day of the week that could be stressful again. However, Mondays could also be the start of the laughter. That could describe a student’s daily living. Despite these, the best part is that we are able to wear that toga of our dreams and get that paper we worked hard for. Do not stop to reach your goals and proudly shout it out that you have finished and achieved the dreams you are working for. All the crying nights could be changed into laughter in comfort. All the sleepless nights could be changed into comfortable soundy sleep. Do not stop striving for that light at the end of the cave. Padayon!

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